One evening when Julian was out, I was sitting in my room working on filling out Addison's baby book (5 years later....) and she came in with this large piece of her hair in her hand and she said (so puzzled), "I found this piece of hair just laying on the sink". Knowing that it was her hair and she was Just in the bathroom getting a drink of water", I got up and saw the rest of the hair on the sink. I asked her very calmly if she cut her hair and she so bold faced lied and said no, she did not cut it! At that time, a piece of her hair.....that she cut flew in front of her face and it was cut so perfectly. So we sat in the bathroom for quite a bit and finally she admitted that she Did cut her hair, but she did Not cut it with scissors............she used her fingers. I told her she must have some razor sharp fingers, she agreed. I looked in the medicine cabinet and pulled out the little pair of nose hair scissors and set them on the sink and asked her calmly, are you suuuuuure you didn't use these to cut your hair?? She was so adamant that she didn't use those scissors to cut her hair that she ALMOST had me convinced that she didn't use those scissors so I put them away. I asked Celine to go in their room to see if there were any scissors setting out and there weren't. So I asked her again if she used those scissors to cut her hair and she bawled her eyes out and stomped her foot and screamed at me "You Don't Believe Me". I told her I didn't believe her and told her that I'm not even made that she cut her hair, I was more mad about her bold face lying to me about using the scissors. We went round and round until Celine came in and was a complete angel and was talking to Addy so sweet about how telling the truth will get you in less trouble rather than you lying. Finally I asked Addy if she wanted me to leave the room so she could talk to Sissy and within 5 minutes, Addy spilled her guts to Celine! Celine walked Addy out and got Addy to admit that she did use the scissors that I was talking about and that that she "fweegot" that she used scissors instead of using her fingers. I told her that her consequence for lying was to go to bed early for two nights. When it was time to go to bed at (10:15PM, mind you), she absolutely threw a fit!! I told her that the second night she had to go to bed early would be in a couple days since we were going to Nana and Papa's the next day and that just wasn't going to happen. So she had to go to be early two days later when Ava was here, so she pitched another fit. Maybe she'll learn.....but we'll see. Here are some pictures of the damage.
The Evidence.
Peice of Hair that is now much shorter than her regular hair.
This last picture was of her being soooooo frustrated with me for "not believing her". Man she was so convincing there for a minute.
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