Monday, January 6, 2014


On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Josie took the girls out for their second annual christmas pajama and earrings date.  Josie came to pick them up at my house and once they were in the car, she presented them with two pairs of earrings.  So nice.  They left and headed straight to Khols Department Store to find their pajamas.  She called me once from the store since she forgot to ask me what sizes they were.  They found the pajamas and were heading back down the escalator to pay for them on the first floor.  Josie went down with Addison first and Celine waited behind, then finally started walking down the escalator.  Then for some reason, she decided it would be a great idea to turn around and try to go back up the escalator, causing her to trip and fall.  Josie noticed and asked if she was okay and she made it down to the bottom of the escalator and Josie asked again if she was okay and Celine said yes.  They conitnued to walk to the cash registers and by that time Celine had noticed some blood forming on her pants and called to Josie. Josie noticed a small rip in her jeans where she hit the escalator, but when she rolled up the jeans up past the knee, she saw this terrible laceration.  She asked Celine not to look at it and walked away from Celine to call me.  She was very calm on the phone, but she told me what happend and said that it was pretty bad, but she doesn't want to freak Celine out.  I asked if she could find an employee to help stop the bleeding, which they did, however they only brought her two bandaids.  When the employee actually looked at the gash, she was taken back and said she needed to get her manager.  I packed Christian in the car and told her I was on my way.  During the drive, I called Julian and left him a voicemail as to what had happened. Julian called me back so I gave him a run down of what happened. He immediately called his Mom and she got in the car and was heading down. During the drive, Josie text me a picture of the cut and it was Nasty!  I found out later that Josie has some type of vintage setting on her camera, so it made it look even worse.  I forwarded the picture to Julian and he called me back and said that was really bad.  I was trying not to cry so I could be strong for Celine, so I got off the phone.  Told him I'd call him from the hospital.  

 Small Hole in her Jeans

What was under the jeans (Josie's vintage picture)

I got to Khols and they were shocked at how calm and cool Celine was during all this.  She didn't even cry once until I walked in the door.  She finally broke down a little because she said she didn't want stitches!  Josie felt bad and I tried to re-assure her that its not like she pushed her down the escalator.....or did she?!?!?!  Hee Hee.  Kohls was great and had already filled out an incident report and helped roll Celine out on an office chair out to the car that was pulled up from.  I switched cars with Josie, since Christian was sleeping in my car.  I drove Celine to Swedish Emergeny in Mill Creek and on the car ride there, Celine said "so does this mean our date with Josie is over?"  I chucked to myself and said "yes honey, the night is over".  Fortunately there wasn't a wait at the emergency room and got right in. They had her get undressed and they they started to clean the wound.  I called Julian back to tell his Mom to turn around since the situation was under control and that she was going to be okay, but she insisted on driving down.  Such a good Nana.

 All cleaned up and ready to be stitched.  

Celine was still being a trooper and was actually being pretty funny and playing games on my phone.  She asked the doctor a lot of questions and sounded like such a big responsible girl.  Even the doctors were saying I should be so proud of her cause she was being so awesome.  

I think waiting 9 years for the first visit to the emergency room isn't bad.

Josie had taken the kids back to my house and ordered pizza.  Alicia arrived a little bit after and they were just waiting for us to come home.  The doctor came in and it was time to stitch her up.  Celine wanted to know how many stitches it was going to take and the doctor said she wouldn't know until she was done.  She hobbled out of there with 17 stitches!!!  Pretty impressive.  I called her Dad and told him what happend and sent him pictures.  Told him I'd call him when we got home.  Swedish gave us our discharge instructions and told us to make an appointment with her doctor to have the stitches removed after 14 days.  

We drove home and were greeted by Josie, Alicia and the kids.  They had all made Celine "Get Well Soon" cards.  It was sweet.  Josie told me that when her and Addy were walking back to my car, that Addy asked her "so are we still heading to dinner, or......?"  Sheesh insensitive little child!! :)  Celine ate dinner and I just baby'd her all night making sure she kept her leg straight and elevated and gave her some medicine.  It was then I realized that she was going to be in Buffalo for Winter break when I was supposed to have the stitches taken out.  I decided to make her an appointment anyway the following Monday after she got back, although that would have meant her stitches would have been in for 19 days, which isn't good.  I told her that she was staying home from school the next day and she was upset because she didn't want to ruin her perfecet attendance.  She finally agreed, but was bored to death all day.  Then the next day of school was cancelled since we had snow, then winter break started.

 I took the bandage off the day before she had to leave and this is what it looked like:

Then she was off to Buffalo the day after Christmas, I told her that she had to be extremely careful over there since there is a ton of snow and to take it easy.  I was a little taken back when I heard that Rob took her sledding and then they were going to go iceskating........which baffled me.  I later found out that they didn't actually go iceskaing, which made me happy.  Then for NYE they were going to this water park and they asked me if Bev could take the stitches out (she's a PA) since they had been in for 14 days and looked ready to come out.  I wasn't worried about her taking the stitches out, I was more worried about her leg being submerged in water after the stitches being taken out.  I called Rob and let him know I was frustrated with all the activities he was taking her too that was risk re-injuring her knee.  Before I agreed to let Bev take the stitches out, I called my doctors office to see how they felt about it and they were okay with it and were okay with letting her go in the water.  I later called Rob to apologize for possibly over-reacting and they went ahead and took the stiches out.  They also proceed to go to the water park and had a ton of fun.  She came home two days later and when she got home, I wanted to look at her knee and I noticed there was a large bandaid over the top of it.  We weren't supposed to keep anyting over it, we were just supposed to let it have some air.  We had a heck of a time getting the bandaid off since it had been on for two days (ugh), so when Celine was trying to get it off, she cried harder this time then when the actual injury happened.  The wound was very moist and some of the skin was coming off onto the bandaid.  We finally go the bandaid off and let it air dry all night, then she took a shower the  next day and I helped her wipe off all the extra loose skin and stuff that was on there.  It looks a ton better know.  Once it starts to heel more, I'm supposed to keep sunblock on it every time its exposed to the sun and put vitamin E oil on it for the next twelve months to help with scarring.  

My Poor Sweet Tough Cookie now has a set of stitches under her belt!

I told her that she learned her lesson that you are NEVER supposed to go the opposite direction on a escaltor.  She agreed.  :)

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